Hats Off To You

Hats Off To You

Most of you are familiar with the wide variety of items we carry in our shop – and we always try to keep it interesting! We have just received a new selection of “western” style, 100% wool felt hats! In multiple colours, styles, sizes, and a variety of hatbands (or create your own with some…

Dan TV

Dan TV

Well, not exactly television, but today’s streaming equivalent! If you’ve met Dan, you know he’s comfortable speaking in front of an audience of one or one hundred (and if he’s not, it’s a heck of an acting job) – and if you haven’t met Dan, what are you waiting for? Drop in to the shop…

We Have A Winner!

We Have A Winner!

Over the Mother’s Day weekend, Gibraltar Market had a prize draw and we were so pleased that Wayne Knight, one of our long time customers, won the $50 Gift Certificate to Bear’s Den! Wayne has been a great customer and supported Bear’s Den since I started – more than a decade ago! So good to…