Tyendinaga 29th Annual Traditional Pow Wow
This weekend, Bear’s Den travels to Tyendinaga, Kahniakehaka Territory (Mohawks of The Bay of Quinte) for their 29th annual Traditional Pow Wow! Of course our Bear’s Den shop will also be open Sunday, as always, in the Gibraltar Weekend Market, London, ON.
Considered the “birthplace of Tekanawita, the Peacemaker” who brought the original Five Nations Iroquois Confederacy under a constitution of peace in the 12th Century (The Great Law of Peace).
The Great Law of Peace brought together the original five nations – Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca to end their years of war and form the Iroquois Confederacy (joined in the late 1700’s, by the Tuscarora, making the Six Nations we acknowledge today). The Great Law of Peace provides the guidelines for a political, social, and spiritual order for the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and its peoples; it was also the model for the Constitutions of both Canada & the US.
Sat. 13 Aug. – Sun. 14 Aug.
Grand Entry Noon both days